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Questions and answers

Here we have collected the most common questions from our users. If you have a question which isn't in the list, do not hesitate to send your question to support@mralbert.com and we'll respond within 24 hours.

Frequently asked questions


How do I cancel my subscription, which I have purchased via the website (mralbert.com)?

Login to MyPages/Account Settings with your phone number and the same password that you use for your account to cancel or change your subscription. If you don't remember your password, you can use the "Forgot password" feature on the website to receive a new one through email.

How long is my subscription active after I have ended it?

After you have cancelled a subscription, it is still active for the full payment period, in other words you can still use Albert the remaining time of the month but we will not charge you anything after the subscription has expired. An example: You purchase a monthly subscription to Albert on January 1 and ended your subscription on January 15th. You may then continue to use Albert unlimited until 31 January. As of February 1, your subscription has ended.

Can I access my saved data?

Yes, of course you can. Send an email to support@mralbert.com and we will extract a report and send it to you.

Can I delete my personal information?

Yes, of course you can. Send an email to support@mralbert.com and we will delete all your personal information. Note: this will also fully delete and terminate your account.

What should I do in cases there are technical issues with the service?

Should you encounter an error before we do, please send it to support@mralbert.com together with your username and which device you are using. If you're the first to find the error, we'll compensate you with one month unlimited usage free of charge.